Posted by: animalshelterveterinarian | September 21, 2011

What I do all day

Dog with demodectic mange

Image via Wikipedia

Ever wonder what a shelter veterinarian does all day, besides talk on the phone to friends and eat bon bons? Here is a log I kept of one of my days this month, and it’s typical.

Task 1 – I checked all the dermatophyte cultures (growing ringworm fungus) for growth and color change and recorded the results in a book and on the computer.

Patient 1. Recheck exam on a Feline – a 2 year old spayed female domestic short hair (DSH) who was losing weight after spay surgery.  On recheck she is regaining weight but is still too thin.  To increase her appetite and kill circulating roundworms and other gastrointestinal parasites, she was given a vitamin B complex and ivermectin injections and I prescribed oral ponazuril and entered everything in the computer.

Patient 2. Approximately 2 year old intact male chihuahua who has neurologic symptoms of torticollis and circling as well as weakness in his rear limbs.  He also has symptoms of severe flea allergy dermatitis. This pet was sedated, x-rays were taken of his pelvis and lumbosacral spine, subcutaneous fluids and injectable steroids were given and a DTM (ringworm culture) was started.  Radiographs (x-rays) revealed a fractured pubis  which would likely heal with cage rest.  (Over the next several days his neurologic symptoms improved dramatically on oral prednisone ).

Patient 3. Recheck exam on a spayed female DSH with upper respiratory infection (URI).  Heart and lung sounds were normal and no ocular or nasal discharge or oral ulceration so cat was released to the general population.

Patient 4. Kitten, 2.5months old spayed female was rechecked for diarrhea, which had resolved. Today the kitten has oral ulceration and nasal discharge, which are symptoms of URI.  Kitten was isolated in URI treatment room and protocol of doxycycline, nebulization, subcutaneous fluids and oral biotene was started for 14 days.

Patient 5. Recheck exam on a cat with URI. Instead of improvement, the cat now has oral ulceration.  Treatments adjusted for ulceration.

Patient 6. 8 year old neutered male Chihuahua mix with symptoms of pancreatitis or dietary indiscretion.  Examined and treated with SQ fluids, pain meds, anti-emetics, antacids, cortico-steroids and bland diet.

Patient 7.  1.5 year old female poodle.  Cherry eye discovered during preparation for spay surgery, so I did the cherry eye repair after Dr. Terry Paik performed the spay.

Patient 8.  Examined an intact male Chihuahua with a mildly prolapsed penis, flea allergy dermatitis and dental disease requiring extractions.  Treatments instituted for FAD and dental cleaning scheduled.

Patient 9. Recheck exam on a spayed female DSH with URI and dental disease and flea allergy dermatitis. URI symptoms resolved, so additional flea control applied and pet moved to general population.

Patient 10. Recheck exam on neutered male DSH with chronic rhinitis and persistent URI not responding to over 4 weeks of treatment.  Pet was put to sleep.

Patient 11. Recheck exam of feline URI, treatments not entered correctly in computer so records and future treatments fixed.

Patient 12. Recheck exam of feline URI, MN kitten. URI is improving. Boostered vaccines and dewormed with anthelban and ponazuril.  Future vaccine boosters and dewormings and recheck exams entered in computer.

Patient 13. Recheck exam on underweight, 10 year old MN DSH with poor appetite. Followed up on bloodwork done by PIMA.  Interpretation of laboratory results suggests a significant bacterial infection and inflammatory bowel disease or cancer. Pet was put to sleep.

Patient 14. 3 year old intact female Pit Bull attacked by dog while being walked by a volunteer.  Sustained puncture wounds to the nose.  Treated with meloxicam and Cephalexin.

Patient 15. Recheck URI in a 2 year old spayed female DSH. URI not getting better, cat now has pneumonia.  Treatment protocol changed to address pneumonia.

Patient 16. Examined 3 12-day old kittens.  Deemed healthy and need a foster home for bottle-feeding.  Too young for feline leukemia testing or vaccination or deworming.  Applied Advantage for flea control.

Patient 17. 5 month old terrier diagnosed by exam and skin scraping with generalized Demodectic mange.  Treated with Promeris, antibiotics, antihistamines and fatty acids. Recheck exams every two weeks until resolved.

Patient 18. Examined a 5 month old male Chihuahua and found a ruptured right ear drum.  Middle ear infection treated with corticosteroids, oral Baytril and Baytril-Otic.

Patient 19.  Recheck exam of MN 4 year old poodle mix with chronic foxtail fragments in the left middle ear and history of large struvite urolith.  Prescribed additional medication and prescription diet for rescue group exiting the pet.

Patient 20. Health certificate exam for rescue exit to Massachusetts.  Found foxtail abcess in left rear foot. Pet was sedated, foxtail removed, and transfer post-poned until dog could be treated effectively.

Patient 21. Exam of intact male poodle mix matted to the skin with severely neglected haircoat.  Sedated for whole body shave.

Patient 22. Examined intact male 10month old Pit Bull for coughing.  Kennel cough diagnosed and treatment protocol instituted.

Patient 23. Health certificate exam for travel to Massachusetts for neutered male poodle.

Task 24.  Created templates in computer program, Chameleon, for in-house CBC and Chemistry panel results.

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